domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010

Fotoblog DIA 1

Bueno me atrase porq no habia tenido pc en dias :(.. pero aqui voy...

Nombre: Maria Daniela Dorta Callejas (odio mi nombre :) )

Cumpleaños: 16 de Agosto... naci en 1989

Nacionalidad: Naci en Caracas :)

Signo: Leo

Color de ojos: Verdes

Color de cabello: Natural: Marron oscuro

Estatura: 1.60 .. si lo c soy una enana

Número favorito: 3 y el 16

Color favorito: Negro

¿Hermanos?: un hermano y hermana mayor...

¿Piercings?: Uno al lado de la oreja jajajaja.. no es en la oreja como dificil de explicar jajajaja..

¿Tatuajes?: si, en la muñeca izquierda.. H.C=Hilda Callejas las iniciales de mi abuela.

¿Te has pintado el cabello?: Si.. negro, marron claro, vinotinto, rojo y ahora anaranjado con la mitad amarilla

Hobbies: Pues en vdd es lo q estudio... dibujarrrrrrrrr!!!! es hermosooo.. amo pintar cuadros o simplemente en una servilleta jajaja.

¿Has cambiado en los últimos 5 años?: bastateeeee... hace 5 años yo era una punketa que solo s vestia de negro, uñas negras, pelo negro, maquillaje negro y puras puas y remaches jajajaja y ahora uso colores y me pongo vestidos jajaja.. pero mi personalidad sigue igual... salida, cariñosa, graciosa y te digo las vainas como me parecen.

¿Lo último que comiste?:comida china.. es mi adiccion.. si pudiera comer siempre eso yo seria feliz

¿Película favorita?: El Pianista y todassss las de Twilight

¿Libro favorito?: Cronicas de una muerte anunciada, Cien años de soledad, Hamlet y Rome y Julieta yyyy todos los de Twilight (drastico lo c)

¿Comida favorita?: Cubana y China

¿Que tienes puesto?: Un vestido y unas sandalias.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010


Hi... My name is Nenela. I'm from Caracas, Venezuela.
I need some help from you guys, from all TWILIGHT fans really.
Two months ago my best friend, Laura, died in a car accident. Was the most horrible accident I ever seen, I was with her that day, I was following her home, it was 6pm, a beautiful day really and all of the sudden a car of the opposite side of the highway jumped the rail, that was in the middle of the highway, and fell on top of her car crushing her to death. I don't have enough words to say how I'm feeling right now. A part of me died that day. I miss her every second.
- Ocultar texto citado -

She was a fan of Twilight, she was soo excited about Eclipse. She bought everything related to Twilight, from water bottles to glitter for the body. Twlight help her to came out of her shell, she was so shy and never talked to anyone but when the books came out OMG! what a change... She even went out dancing, was incredible how the books changed her, for good.

When the movies came out, she cryied. Those books were her life, Stephenie Meyer changed her live, no I`m lying, Stephenie Meyer SAVED her live.

One day she said to me "If I ever see Stephenie Meyer or anyone of the cast I will smile at them and look to the sky and say -Thanks you for saving my life- and walkaway". She didn't want any photos or autographs, the only thing she did wanted was to let them know HOW THEY SAVED HER LIFE!.

Bella help her to believe in herself, that to be diffetent is beautiful, that to be shy and quiet doesn`t mean that you're a weird person, that a person can love you no matter what. Bella gave her everything she need it. Bella whas her friend. Bella was Laura.

I own them so much, really. Stephenie gave me my best friend, my sister, my soul mate, my safe pier. MY EVERYTHING.

That day, the last day I saw her, was the day that we went to bought the tickets for Eclipse. They were on pre-sales. She was so happy, she told me "Now I can die happy". That phrase is engraved in my head like a stone. She never hurt anybody, the people that knew her loved her and care about her. She was the most beautiful girl in the planet.

So the thing that I`m asking is that you guys help me to let them know how they saved her. Please. I know that u guys don't know Stephenie Meyer or the cast, but I`m just want that u guys share this story with all the people u know and let then know how Twilight save peoples life, those books aren't only books, they are hope, love, support, everything that people need to keep on beliving.

I want to keep on going but write this make me feel sad and angry about everything. Sorry.

Please, share this. I want to people know how amazing Laura was. She IS the most beautiful angel in heaven.

Thank you.


martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

A mask of sadness.

When you went to find yourself, I was left here all by myself, alone, hopeless, sad and angry.
I thought that u had a heart that beats, feelings or something that prove that you are alived but nothing, you are iced-cold and hard like stone, sad, really really sad.
Cry, get mad, smile, jump or do something to prove me that you love me.
You are always pretending, pretending that you don't need anyone or that u don't feel a thing but I think or I used to think that was a mask but now, for telling me that you don't want me or that I'm not good enough for you, I know, yes I KNOW that ITS a mask.
Please take it off.
I want to see the true you, I want to love the real you and kiss the real you.

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

Sorry people

I'm sorry for those who want to follow me and read me hahahaha I'm sorry that sometimes I write in spanis. Its that my first language is spanish and I live in venezula soo... Sometimes its hard to think and write in english..
and I make A LOT of mistakes..

y NO vivieron felices por siempre.

No se ni porque estoy escribiendo en este blog si nadie pero NADIE me lee, creo es porque simplemente no tengo las ganas de comprarme un diario y escribir a mano todos los dias.
Me aburren las cosas que son monotonas por eso no escribo todos los dias necesito que mis dias sean cada uno diferente al otro pero tristemente eso es lo menos que ha pasado esta semana, siento que todos los dias se parecen mas y mas y que vivo igual un dia sin nunca acabar.
Nada de accion pasa, los pensamientos son siempre iguales, los sentimientos son siempre los mismos, las miradas tambien y creo que hasta lo que escribo tambien. Mi vida es totalmente deprimente, simplemente triste.
Estaba leyendo unos cuantos libros y algunas historias y me di cuenta que nunca hay una historia de aquella muchacha que vive en una ciudad y que desgraciadamente esta enamorada de aquel muchacho que simplemente el ni siquiera la ve y sinceramente eso no es que me moleste sino m frustra porque siento que mi vida no es nada, siento que la vida de alguien asi la vida amorosa de una persona asi como yo como nosotras no son de interes para nadie, creo que es lo mas natural de todo que alguien se enamore solo y es triste.
Nadie cuenta nuestra historia, de los discapacitados sin un lugar para estacionar, de los que llegamos al lugar mas bajo de nuestro corazon y no nos importa, de los que lloramos a cada instante pero nunca se nos acaban las lagrimas, uds saben a quienes les hablo. Quisiera poder escribir sobre mi y describir que es lo que se siente en realidad no poder estar al lado del hombre que amo y poder tomar su mano, quiero que la gente vea que no todo es el principe y el vivir feliz para siempre sino tambien el principe que se enamora de otra y el final que la cortesana no se queda con el principe y queda desolada tan horrible como suena es tan horrible como se vive pero es la completa verdad.

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010

Lo que mas me duele.

Lo que mas duele es ver como t vas y t alejas cada vez mas de mi.
Y tenerte tanto que decirte pero que ni una palabra salga de mi boca porque lo que mas sale son lagrimas de mis ojos.
No me importa llorar de vez en cuando porque es lo unico que me hace recordar que eres real.
Pero si tuviera que hacer todo esto de nuevo lo haria sin ningun arrepentimiento.
Necesito que sepas que amarte es lo que siempre trate de amarte con lo mas hondo de mi corazon pero se nota que ni lo notaste.
Pero lo que mas me molesta es que nunca sabre que pudo ser, si pude amarte mas, si pudiste amarme como nadie.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

Come back.

I'm just waiting for you
You leave me, you said thats auwful words "I don't love you anymore"
My days are empty with out you, with out your kiss, your smell, your eyes, with out your heart beat.
The days feels like months, years and centurys. Come back please, take me, take my soul, my sadness, my happiness, take what ever you want, my life if you have to.
You're everything that I need and more. You gave me everything I need when you breath near my neck.
Just take it, TAKE IT!, I'm nobody with out you.
My love, your beuty, your eyes, your lips I know that are not afraid to die and I'm not either.
Every where I look I see you, I see that black sky without stars.


come back to me.

P.S: fuck! i feel like bella in new moon.